Air Conditioning Maintenance Myths Explained

Katy Air Conditioning Maintenance

Katy Air Conditioning Maintenance Truths for All Homeowners

In the absence of knowledge, sometimes we just assume. When the assumption gets passed on, it becomes a myth and is easily transmitted. Here are a few Katy Air Conditioning Maintenance myths that are still being bandied about and the reality that dispels them.

Shutting the Air Conditioner Off during Vacations Saves Energy/Money

It sounds correct. Should the system run while the home is unoccupied? The myth is built on the assumption that air conditioning is primarily about comfort. Turning the system off for an extended period leads to:

  • A crucial function of air conditioning is removing humidity from the indoor air. When the relative humidity exceeds 65%, surfaces feel sticky. The added humidity will ruin painted and finished surfaces, causing peeling and discoloration. In addition, the added humidity will encourage mold and mildew to bloom. The infestation is dangerous and can be very difficult to remove.
  • Another function is ventilation—moving and cleaning the air. Returning from vacation to a smelly, hot house will not be the welcome greeting.
  • An air conditioner does not just cool the air, it also cools the walls, the flooring, the furniture, etc. Returning the house to the desired temperature requires significant energy. Keeping the whole house cool is much more efficient than restoring it to the desired temperature.

Instead of turning the air conditioner off, turn the thermostat up; setting the temp at 78 to 80 degrees will call for enough cooling cycle to remove humidity and keep the air moving. Returning the house to the desired temperature is much easier this way.

*A related myth is that closing the vents in an unused room will save energy. The air conditioner will still attempt to cool that space by forcing air around the door. It will also make that room unhealthy.

Bigger is Better/Smaller is Superior

Being extravagant or frugal when replacing an air conditioner might seem to make sense, but these approaches will not produce the desired results.

  • A larger-than-necessary air conditioner will cool a space too quickly, creating short, but frequent cooling cycles. Not only does it cause excessive wear on the electronics, but the short cooling cycle does not adequately remove humidity.
  • A smaller-than-necessary air conditioner will run longer than it should and struggle to cool the space during periods of extreme heat. It puts unnecessary stress on the components and uses more energy than necessary.
  • Air conditioning technicians will complete a load calculation study to determine the proper “size” air conditioner. This ensures the system will function properly and efficiently for the maximum length of time. The technician will gather information concerning square footage, ceiling heights, size and number of doors/windows, and insulation materials. This helps determine the cooling that is needed by each unique home.

Air Conditioners Function Well Without Maintenance

There is never a doubt that vehicles of any size or type need periodic maintenance. The same is true of cooking and laundry appliances. Why do homeowners believe that a complex heat and air conditioning system can perform efficiently without regular maintenance?

  • Air conditioners employ electronic controls, gas chemistry, and mechanical components to perform precise activities within well-designed controls. These processes need adjustments and testing.
  • The environment is filled with contaminants that stick to surfaces and block the energy transfer necessary for indoor air conditioning.
  • The system components are so interdependent that stress or failure in one necessary part spreads the stress to other parts.

Katy Air Conditioning Maintenance is tricky!

Let us help keep you cool this summer. Schedule your Katy Air Conditioning Maintenance consultation by calling All Cool AC & Heating at 281-238-9292 or contact us via email and let our NATE-certified Katy Air Conditioning Maintenance technicians put their experience to work for you.

3 HVAC Maintenance Tips to Improve Efficiency

3 HVAC Maintenance Tips to Improve Efficiency

3 HVAC Maintenance Tips for Homeowners

Air conditioning is such a comfort during the long, hot summertime. All winter long, we look forward to summer fun in the sun. However, since the heat and humidity are so relentless, we seek relief whenever we go inside. Air conditioning has become so essential to our summer. It would be nice to find ways to enhance the air conditioning experience. Here are a few suggestions to enhance your HVAC Maintenance experience.

1 Keep the Heat Outside and the Cool Inside

This seems like a no-brainer, but to do it well it takes intentional actions.

  • The quality of insulation will become very evident during times of extreme temperatures—both hot and cold temperatures. Getting into the attic to add insulation during triple-digit or single-digit temperatures is not a wise decision. However, preparing for extreme temps while the temps are mild is a wise decision.
  • Windows transfer a tremendous amount of energy in the form of heat into the home. Sunlight is not the problem; it is the accompanying infrared energy that creates the heat. Floor and furniture surfaces are heated and retain the heat. Additionally, heat passes through glass readily, heating the inside air. Keep blinds and drapes closed during the midday period, opening them in the mornings and evenings to enjoy the natural light.

2 Keep the Thermostat Steady

It is tempting to use the thermostat inside like the fan switch on our car’s air conditioner, turning it up when you enter and down when the temperature drops. That might work in the small confines of a car, but it doesn’t work for a home air conditioner.

  • When the thermostat is set at 740 and the temperature rises to 750, the thermostat instructs the air conditioner to begin cooling the air. The cooling cycle may last for 5 to 10 minutes if it is functioning normally. Dropping the thermostat to 640 will also instruct the air conditioner to begin cooling the air. It will also take 5 to 10 minutes or so—not a minute less. Dropping the thermostat setting does not cool the space faster, but it does put tremendous stress on the air conditioner.
  • A better approach is to schedule the temperature setting, including any changes you might desire, and let the air conditioner do its job. If your family has a steady summertime schedule—leaving and returning at regular intervals—temperature changes can be programmed to coincide with the schedule. Program temperatures change and do not alter the schedule.

3 Schedule Filter Changes and HVAC Maintenance

Homeowners can enhance their air conditioner system by keeping it clean. Change the air filter regularly to keep indoor air clean and ensure a free flow of air. Scheduling annual preventative maintenance increases the performance of air conditioners and uncovers small problems before they become big problems.

We Specialize in HVAC Maintenance to Reduce Your Utility Bills

Schedule your free HVAC Maintenance consultation by calling AllCool AC & Heating at 281-238-9292 or contact us via email and let our NATE-certified HVAC Maintenance technicians put their experience to work for you.

AC Maintenance Katy Tx: The Importance of HVAC Maintenance

AC Maintenance Katy Tx

AC Maintenance Katy Tx: The Importance of HVAC Maintenance

There are two awesome things about autumn in Houston: football and cooler fall weather. In the spring, everyone seems to long for the summer heat and all of the outdoor activities we can only do in the summer. But after a few months of intense heat, the heat seems to lose its appeal–the heat of summer can be very long. By this time of the year, we look forward to cooler weather, when air conditioning is not necessary.

Actually, the fall is a perfect time to have your residential air conditioner serviced. During the heat of the summer, air conditioning technicians are extremely busy handling repairs and replacements. As the weather cools, the pressure is off of both your AC system and the technicians who complete preventative maintenance. Scheduling an annual maintenance visit yields quite an advantage for your home.

Standard Preventative Maintenance for AC Maintenance Katy Tx

Our air conditioning technicians have the training and experience necessary to maintain modern air conditioning systems. Our trained professionals will locate components that require attention with equipment designed to monitor and measure performance. Our maintenance program includes:

  • Clean the dust from the condenser coil outdoors and check the refrigerant gas
  • Clean the evaporator coil and make sure the drain line is clear
  • Clean the blower fins as needed
  • Check and calibrate electrical component parts in the cabinet
  • Inspect and calibrate the thermostat as needed
  • Check the supply vents and return air registers, making sure they are uncovered
  • Measure the cooling performance to make sure it functions properly

Preventative maintenance ensures your system will be ready for the cooling season next spring

Why Perform AC Maintenance Katy Tx?

As an investment.

For most Americans, a home purchase is the largest investment they will make. Your air conditioning system is vital to making your home healthy and comfortable. You change the oil in your car. Schedule maintenance on your AC unit.

Better performance.

Cleaning and caring for your air conditioner will ensure it functions properly; your system is designed to both cool the air and remove moisture.

Energy Savings for AC Maintenance Katy Tx

Making sure your air conditioner is functioning well makes sure it runs efficiently, saving energy with each cooling cycle. Of course, saving energy also saves money on each utility bill; saving energy is also healthy for the environment. Way to go!

Reducing repairs and prolonging the usefulness

Keeping existing component parts is usually preferred to paying to replace parts prematurely. By inspecting and maintaining these expensive parts regularly, you extend usefulness—sometimes by 5 or 10 years. Extending the life of your air conditioner puts off replacement. When the time comes to replace your air conditioner, you can do it knowing you did everything you could to spend money wisely.

Peace of mind

When you maintain your air conditioner in the fall you have the satisfaction of knowing your system is primed and ready for the next cooling season. In late spring, you can slide the thermostat control to cool with confidence that your system is ready for the heat of the coming summer.

Have questions about AC Maintenance Katy Tx? We can help!

Schedule your free AC Maintenance Katy Tx consultation by calling AllCool AC & Heating at 281-238-9292 or contact us via email.




New AC Installation FAQs

New AC Installation: What You Need to Know Before You Buy

New AC Installation: What You Need to Know Before You Buy

If you find yourself needing a new New AC Installation, a.k.a., your HVAC system, you have some exciting choices about features that will impact comfort and health for many years to come. Most well-maintained HVAC systems last 20-25 years, so expect to keep this system around for a while. In order to prepare you for this important decision, here is some basic information to help you.

New AC Installation: Two Basic Systems

While it has been around for decades internationally, the mini-split ductless air conditioner system is gaining traction over central heating/air systems in the U.S. Here is a short description of the two types of systems.

  • The biggest difference between the two systems is . . . ducts. Ductless systems provide both heating and cooling using very similar technology, but the delivery system is via a wall-mounted unit instead of floor vents. These wall units are quieter than a central air system. Each room has a separate thermostat, allowing for zone heating and cooling. These systems are very energy efficient and can save money each month. They are especially useful when adding rooms or renovating older homes without existing ducts. Since mini-split systems use heat pump technology, they struggle to produce heat when the temperature drops below 320
  • Traditional central heat/air systems are good, efficient systems and can be found in most homes in the U.S. Typical central systems will have component parts indoors and outdoors. The blower motors on central systems move a lot of air—the entire volume of your home circulates every few minutes. While the air is moving, it filters well. One system can cover large areas, but creating zones is usually not possible. Central heat will use heat pump technology, just like the mini-split system. However, an auxiliary heat source, either electric or natural gas, handles low temperatures.

New AC Installation Proper Sizing and Ratings

Both mini-split and central systems are sized using the same method. A technician will complete a load calculation to determine size; square footage, insulation type, window and door openings, and other factors that are entered into an algorithm. The heating need is measured in British Thermal Units (BTUs) and air conditioning is measured in tonnage. Larger numbers are not better or worse, they just measure the need. An important fact: for a number of reasons your new system might not match the size of your old system.

Ratings measure the efficiency of heating and cooling functions. The basic information on New AC Installation ratings is:

  • Air conditioner efficiency is measured in SEER or Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio. The minimum SEER rating is 13 and the (current) maximum rating is 22: in order to qualify as EPA Energy Star, the SEER rating must be 14.5. Energy efficiency will cost more upfront and be repaid for lower bills over time.
  • The amount of energy lost by electric furnaces is negligible, so they are considered 100% efficient. Gas furnaces receive an Annual Fuel Utilization Efficiency rating that measures the percentage of fuel energy successfully captured for indoor heat. Watch for AFUE ratings between 90 and 98(%). Again, energy efficiency costs more with the purchase but is recouped with lower utility bills.

Features to Explore

The basic technology for heating and air conditioning has been around since the 1960s, but engineers keep improving system components. Some improvements to watch for include:

  • Blower motor technology. Mini-split systems have very small quiet blower motors and room occupants might not notice the noise. Central systems have larger motors and in the past, the noise was very noticeable. New technology includes variable speeds and whisper-quiet technology.
  • Air Filters. Mini-split systems may come with washable air filters and save money on the cost of replacing filters over the years. Watch for systems with better air filtration: look for a MERV rating on available filters—the higher the number the better.
  • UV Lights. Ultraviolet light will neutralize organic airborne particles, such as pollen, dust mites, mold spores, bacteria, and viruses. This is a definite plus.
  • New thermostats allow you to schedule regular temperature changes. This adds comfort and helps save on the energy bill. Programmable thermostats allow you to set the schedule and forget it. Smart thermostats include a phone app that allows you to make changes on the move.

Are you researching a New AC Installation? We can help!

Schedule your free New AC Installation consultation by calling AllCool AC & Heating at 281-238-9292 or contact us via email.

New AC Installation: What You Need to Know Before You Buy

5 Essential AC Maintenance Tips

5 Essential AC Maintenance Tips

AC Maintenance Tips for Homeowners

Heat and humidity seem to be our constant companions during the summer months. Your air conditioner is a critical key to keeping your family comfortable during the long Texas cooling system. We often share tips with homeowners for maintaining air conditioners, but it may be good to know there are more steps you can take to help keep your house cool beyond your air conditioner. While these steps cannot take the place of AC, they certainly can help. Let’s take a look at some of these AC Maintenance steps.

“Use” Sunlight Wisely

Everyone loves natural light flowing into their home. However, summertime sunlight equates to an increase in indoor temperature. Closing blinds and/or drapes during the day will reduce sunlight and keep your home cooler during the hottest part of the day. Tree shade and directional facing will be different for each home; know how to keep your home cooler.

Plan Meals

Oven-cooked meals might be perfect during cooler months, but they put stress on your AC and warm your kitchen significantly. There are several options available to keep your kitchen cooler.

  • Set one day aside to cool meals for the week. This reduces the number of hot days in the kitchen
  • Plan to cook outdoors.
  • Use energy-saving appliances, such as air fryers and electric pressure cookers

Schedule Cleaning

Clothes dryers and dishwashers contribute a little bit of heat and humidity to your home and impact comfort. If you plan to run these devices in the evening hours, during the coolest part of the day, they should have a minimal impact on your comfort and help with energy conservation.

Redirect Your Ceiling Fans

Ceiling fans will not lower the air temperature but moving air speeds evaporation and therefore the air feels cooler. On the core of each ceiling fan is a small toggle switch that changes the direction of the fan. When the fan turns in the counterclockwise direction, it pushes air down and creates a cool breeze. Make sure each fan is turning counterclockwise during the summer to keep your home at peak comfort.

Address Problem Areas

If one or more rooms are consistently warmer than the rest of the house, don’t ignore the fact and research the root cause. Inspect every surface:

  • Check the attic for poor insulation
  • Check the windows and doors for leaks
  • Check the ducts to make sure they are intact and not leaking.

Of course, taking care of your air conditioner goes a long way toward keeping your home comfortable. Every mechanical system needs maintenance, and your air conditioner is no different. Cleaning the condenser coil, and ducts, and changing air filters are a few maintenance tasks that help your AC run efficiently. A regular preventative AC Maintenance inspection is recommended by your AC manufacturer.

Give All Cool AC a call to schedule an annual preventative AC maintenance visit with an HVAC professional.

Let us help with your AC Maintenance

Schedule your AC Maintenance assessment by calling AllCool AC & Heating at 281-238-9292 or contact us via email.

5 Essential AC Maintenance Tips

Air Conditioning Hurricane Preparedness Tips

Air Conditioning Hurricane Preparedness

Air Conditioning Hurricane Preparedness – Start Your Preparation Now!

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) is set to predict the 2022 Atlantic Hurricane season in a few days.1 Early indication is that it will be active and storm intensity seems to have increased over the past decades. Residents in coastal communities should take measures to prepare homes and lives for a hurricane event this year. As part of these measures, make sure you follow our Air Conditioning Hurricane Preparedness Tips!

Measures to Take Before a Storm

While NOAA makes predictions for the 6-month hurricane season, The National Hurricane Center actually tracks storms as they develop over the south Atlantic. When a significant storm approaches land, they issue a warning 36 hours in advance to let residents make final Air Conditioning Hurricane Preparedness steps for the storm. However, some preparations should be made well in advance of a hurricane.

Schedule Routine Maintenance

Both your HVAC manufacturer and HVAC professionals recommend annual maintenance to help your system perform efficiently over many years. Preventative maintenance includes cleaning dust buildup in hard-to-reach places, inspection, and testing key electrical components, and paying close attention to the refrigerant gas needed for proper function.

If your system is poorly maintained before a hurricane puts great stress on the air conditioner, it can sustain greater damage from the storm.

Air Conditioning Hurricane Preparedness: Protect your Outdoor AC Unit

  • If your outdoor condenser unit is in a low-lying area, consider elevating it to avoid water damage. It should be set on a concrete slab as a firm foundation.
  • Tie-Downs. Make sure your condenser unit is securely fastened to the concrete slab with hurricane tie-downs. While it may appear large, it is constructed of lightweight material and can be moved by violent winds.
  • Check with the manufacturer for a hurricane weather-proof covering for the AC condenser unit. Local home improvement stores may also carry them. A covering, installed after the AC has been powered off, can prevent water damage from heavy rain. Be sure to remove the cover before restoring power to the air conditioner.

Purchase Emergency Supplies in Advance

State and local governments provide emergency preparedness plans that encourage you to purchase food, water, flashlights, batteries, first aid kits, etc. You are encouraged to make these purchases in advance of a hurricane warning to make sure supplies are available.

Measures During the 36-Hour Warning

Anticipate that hurricane-force winds (+74 mph) will damage the power grid and cause a power outage. In the process, power will blink on and off several times; each time that happens, it creates a power surge. Since even small power surges can damage computers, we plug sensitive equipment into power strips with surge protectors.

  • Your HVAC system may have a power surge protector installed inline to protect the system.
  • Whether your system has a power surge protector or not, turn off your HVAC system during a hurricane to protect it from potential damage.
    • Turn your thermostat to the Off position
    • Flip the breaker at your electrical service panel for both AC and furnace

Cool Down

Knowing that you will turn the AC off for an extended period, use the 36-hour time period to cool your house down. Lower the temperature a few degrees, anticipating the warm and humid air outside will quickly move indoors. Close blinds and curtains, even if your windows are covered. Continue to use ceiling and floor fans for as long you have power.

Measures to Take After a Storm

After the storm has passed and power has been restored, carefully follow the needed steps.

  • Remove any cover you might have placed on the outdoors AC unit
  • Check your power surge protector for the HVAC system. If it has tripped, reset it.
  • Flip the breaker for your system at the electric service panel and wait a few minutes.
  • Turn the thermostat to the COOL setting and set the temperature to the normal setting.

If your power is not restored, you will need to call an electrician. If your power is restored but the AC does not come on or does not cool properly, give All Cool a call.

Have Questions About Air Conditioning Hurricane Preparedness?

June begins the start of hurricane season on the Texas Gulf Coast. Let us help you with your Air Conditioning Hurricane Preparedness this season by calling AllCool AC & Heating at 281-238-9292 or contact us via email.

Air Conditioning Hurricane Preparedness


5 AC Tune Up Tips to Save You Money

5 AC Tune Up Tips to Save You Money

5 Money-Saving Tips for Regularly Schedule AC Tune Ups

Spring is here! That is a short buffer time between cold weather and the hot and humid weather of summer. This is an excellent time to have your air conditioner serviced to make sure it is in great shape to keep your family comfortable and safe all summer long.

You hear HVAC professionals say that all the time and you might wonder “Does it make a difference?” Since it might seem like a little self-service for All Cool to say “yes,” we can give you an unbiased, expert opinion with nothing to gain from your response—the U.S. Department of Energy.1

Here are 5 motivations for you to service your AC this spring.

AC Tune Up Tip 1: Lengthen Your Warranty

If your AC unit has a warranty, it most likely requires an annual preventative maintenance service; check your documents. While a breakdown during the early years of service is unusual, keeping the warranty valid is important.

AC Tune Up Tip 2: Increase Useful Service Life

The #1 way to lengthen the service life of your air conditioner is to have it cleaned and serviced regularly. Service life claims vary, but here are a few general truths:

  • Furnaces generally last a few years longer than the air conditioner, but they are usually replaced at the same time.
  • Service life varies a lot, between 15 and 30 years. Again, the #1 difference-maker is regular maintenance.
  • Regular maintenance can add 5 or more years to service life compared to little or no maintenance.

AC Tune Up Tip 3: Decreased Repairs

As air conditioners age, parts will wear out and fail due to functional stress. The leading cause of this stress on any AC unit is dust and dirt that infiltrates various components. The two major functions of AC preventative maintenance are 1) removing dust and dirt from remote places, and 2) inspecting for damage and wear.

A well-maintained AC unit will experience fewer breakdowns and repairs over the service life since the wear is reduced and discovered early.

AC Tune Up Tip 4: Increase Efficiency

With stress-causing dirt and dust removed, your air conditioner will function better, from the compressor to the blower motor. With every AC cycle, your family will experience greater comfort, even during peak cooling periods.

AC Tune Up Tip 5: Decreased Energy Bills

Now more than ever, reducing utility bills will benefit the household budget. A well-maintained AC, functioning more efficiently, will reduce the cost of cooling your home all season long.

Regular maintenance provides more benefits such as improved indoor air quality and cleaner surfaces, but hopefully, these five reasons will motivate you to care for your AC while it keeps you cool and comfortable this summer.

Have Questions About AC Tune Up Tips?

Let us know how we can help with scheduling your AC Tune Up, call AllCool AC & Heating at 281-238-9292 or contact us via email.

5 AC Tune Up Tips to Save You Money



Tips to Have a Mold Free HVAC System in Your Home

How to Have a Mold-Free HVAC System

How to Have a Mold Free HVAC System

If the problem of mold keeps reoccurring, please consult with a mold remediation professional.

Your heating, ventilation, and air conditioning system (HVAC) are designed to heat and cool, freshen, clean, and dehumidify the air in your home for your protection and comfort. When the system ceases to provide one or more of these functions it can lead to a mold infestation.

A serious mold infestation is hard to eradicate and can be very harmful to your family; do not wait—call a professional.

Since it is so serious, let’s consider some ways to make sure mold does not become a problem inside your home. Let’s start with your HVAC system.

Humidity Regulation is the Key to a Mold Free HVAC System

The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission determines the ideal humidity for indoor air is between 30 and 50% humidity; expect between 30-40% in the winter and between 40 and 50% in the summer months.

Mold needs three things to grow: moisture, organic matter (it’s not picky), and a dark place, with little to no sunlight. Keeping the humidity low throughout the house restricts the places mold can grow. The indoor air should not feel “sticky,” even on summer days with high humidity outdoors. Use bathroom exhaust fans when showering. If it does feel “sticky,” call your HVAC professional.

Preventative Maintenance Promotes a Mold Free HVAC System

The second thing mold needs are organic material. Mold can bloom on wall paint, chalk, or wooden doors, but it can also feast on collected dust and dander. Matter of fact, the mold pollen will most likely travel together with dust, just waiting for moisture to activate it.

Make sure that you change air filters regularly, every three months at a minimum. Have an HVAC professional service your unit regularly, annually is recommended. Make sure your ductwork is cleaned as needed.

A preventative maintenance inspection can remove dust and repair components that contribute to water leaks. Prevention is much more effective—and safer than remediation.

Mold Removal

Even with these measures, it is not uncommon to find small quantities of mold. So how can you safely remove it?

  • If the affected area is larger than 9 square feet, the problem is large enough to call a mold remediation professional. Smaller areas can be cleaned with proper preparation and technique.
  • Mold spores can be harmful to your respiratory system; be very aware of the danger. Take the precaution of wearing a mask and gloves before cleaning or scrapping mold away.

Find the right cleaning supplies to keep a Mold Free HVAC System

Mold elimination products are readily available. They generally consist of harsh chemicals, so make sure you wear a mask and have good ventilation for the fumes.

If you are looking for an environmentally friendly cleaning solution, start with soap and water; sometimes that is all that is needed. Another easy remedy is baking soda and water; it kills even black mold and acts as a bleaching agent. Since you are near the mold, always wear a mask.

If you have asthma, allergies, or other breathing issues, it is best for you to stay away and let someone else take care of the problem.

Throw Out Food Items

As mold grows on food, it is reproducing well beyond what you see. Some molds produce a toxin, known as mycotoxins, which will make you very ill. If you see mold on a food item, consider it lost and dispose of it; it is not worth the risk.

Interested in a Mold Free HVAC System? 

Let us know how we can help with your indoor air quality concerns and creating a Mold Free HVAC System, call AllCool AC & Heating at 281-238-9292 or contact us via email.

How to Have a Mold-Free HVAC System

HVAC Hurricane Preparedness

HVAC Hurricane Preparedness

HVAC Hurricane Preparedness for Your Home

Hurricane season (June 1 – November 30) has begun for the Texas Gulf Coast, a time of heightened awareness of tropical storms and hurricanes. Municipalities, businesses, and prudent homeowners are planning for the next storm event. Since each hurricane is unique and the damage caused is unpredictable, planning must be based on universal characteristics of severe weather events.

Homeowners must prepare for widespread high winds (gusts over 100 mph) and heavy rainfall over a relatively short period of time. The combination of these weather events leads to power outages, communication delays, travel restrictions, and temporary business closures.

The more people prepare, the quicker the recovery time for entire communities, so do your part and determine your response ahead of time. Here are several quick tips to include on your hurricane guideline list:

HVAC Hurricane Preparedness: Securing Your Home

Whether your plan is to evacuate or shelter in place, here are some suggestions to make sure your home is as secure as you can make it. Understand these are only suggestions. Please follow local emergency guidelines concerning evacuations, since they have the latest in weather updates and community situations.

  1. Purchase and store supplies that will help you protect the most vulnerable exterior surfaces present in your home.
    1. A two-car garage has at least 20 feet of a relatively thin surface with very little support structure; wind gusts can easily blow through your garage door. An open garage door will usually lead to further damage when the wind catches the roof and deposits it in the neighbor’s pool. Prepare to brace your garage door.
    2. Windows and doors are particularly vulnerable to high winds and flying debris. Purchase supplies and cut them to size ahead of time to protect windows and doors from high winds and flying debris.
  2. Inspect your property often, trimming dead limbs and limbs that overhang your home. Significant damage happens with limbs and trees fall in high winds.
  3. Unplug appliances and electronics to prevent damage from power surges due to frequent lightning strikes. A better plan is to turn the power off at the service panel right before the storm hits.
  4. If you need to protect your home from high water, be prepared to move valuables off the floor and park cars on higher ground.

HVAC Hurricane Preparedness: Protecting your Air Conditioner During a Hurricane

To minimize damage to your air conditioner and speed recovery time, follow these suggestions:

  1. Strap the outdoor compressor unit down with hurricane straps. The compressor unit is the only component of your HVAC system outside and exposed to the elements. Hurricane straps secure the lightweight unit to the concrete pad and prevent it from becoming a projectile.

    If your home is prone to flooding, you can further protect the compressor by contacting an HVAC professional to elevate it.

  2. Cover the compressor unit. After preventing the compressor from being blown away, protect it from flying or falling debris. A tarp or compressor cover will keep debris from being blown into the hollow center.

    Keep the cover on until winds subside, but remember to remove it before turning the AC on during recovery. For the compressor to function properly it needs a lot of air to move across the fins to cool the gases inside; without air movement, the high temperature will lead to overheating and failure.

  3. Prior to the storm, pre-cool your home. Set the thermostat a few degrees cooler than normal if you anticipate losing power for an extended period. It will not last forever but wait for the storm out in relative comfort. Keep curtains and blinds closed and doors closed to keep the cool air inside where it belongs.
  4. Once the high winds and heavy rain begins, turn off the air conditioner. Better yet, turn the power off at the electrical service panel. The electrical controls of your HVAC system are susceptible to power surges that can happen during frequent lightning strikes during a hurricane.
  5. After the storm has passed, begin with an inspection of your home inside and out. Remember to inspect for wind and rain damage, flooding, and damage resulting from power surges. If you have lost limbs or trees, proceed with caution and beware of downed power lines. Remember, if the ground is wet and a live power line is in contact with it, you are in danger. Contact your utility company and do not approach.Inspect your roof, windows, and walls. Make your way to the compressor unit and make a careful inspection. Remove the cover and examine the hollow interior. Make sure that leaves or branches have not blown inside to obstruct the fan of full air movement. Examine the electrical and coolant lines entering the home for damage. If any part of the unit is damaged, do not turn on the AC.

    As a part of HVAC Hurricane Preparedness procedures, inspect the electrical service panel and the condenser/blower unit for water damage. If you have experienced flooding or water damage to the HVAC components, do not turn it on until an HVAC technician has inspected it.

  6. If you have any problems or need repairs, contact AllCool AC and Heating for HVAC Hurricane Preparedness assistance right away. The call volume will be high, so anticipate a wait. A professional service call will give you peace of mind. Finding a minor problem now can avoid a major problem later.

Interested in HVAC Hurricane Preparedness for Your Home

If you are interested in learning how we can help with HVAC Hurricane Preparedness for your home, call AllCool AC & Heating at 281-238-9292 or contact us via email.


HVAC Hurricane Preparedness




Residential AC Maintenance and Repairs

Residential AC Maintenance

Residential AC Maintenance: 4 Signs You Need To Call All Cool AC

Should I Call My Residential AC Maintenance AC Tech?

In Texas, hot weather is an equalizer. Whether you own a large house or rent a small apartment, AC provides needed relief from scorching heat and high humidity. That is until it stops working properly.

The HVAC system has a limited life span, but most often they show their age or completely fail when you need it the most. Waiting for catastrophic failure leads to dealing with the heat while you wait for repairs or replacement, so here are some signs that it is time to call your Residential AC Maintenance technician:

Icy buildup

Frozen compressors, icy coils, and frosty refrigerant lines are all a product of evaporator coils that are too cold. Nearby moisture in warm air condenses on the cooling coils and freezes. That can make the compressor run hot and burn out. The compressor could also freeze up. If it does, indoor air will feel warmer than it should. The compressor is the most expensive component of your air conditioner. For all of these possible problems, there are no DIY solutions. Call an AC tech promptly!

No/Low Airflow

If you feel cool air coming from the vent, but the flow is weak, it is time to call your AC technician. Little or no airflow could arise from breaks/blockage in your ductwork, blower motor failure, or an electrical switch malfunction. Without the proper tools and training, diagnosing and repairing the problem should be left to the professionals. If repairs are too expensive, replacing the unit might be the most cost-effective choice. A professional can help you make that determination.

Warm Air

If the blower is running and you feel warm air when it should be cool, something is definitely wrong with the AC. The problems range from a coolant leak, electrical switch issue, or a component failure, such as a compressor. Technicians will be able to diagnosis the problem(s) and make appropriate repairs. Again, if repairs are extensive, replacement may be in order. Do not delay to call your technician!

Excess Moisture

Your AC system is designed to remove moisture from the humid summer air, so finding water draining from the condenser is normal. However, if you find an excessive amount of water or anything else (including gases) leaking from the components, it is time to call your technician.

Large pools of water indicate a serious problem that needs to be fixed quickly; the excess water can damage furniture and flooring or lead to mold growth. A coolant leak poses a health risk to your family and will lead to system failure.

Want more information about Residential AC Maintenance? We Can Help!

If you think that your HVAC system is long overdue for its Residential AC Maintenance, call us at 281-238-9292 or contact us via email.

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