Your HVAC Spring Cleaning Checklist
Spring cleaning may have ancient origins in religious practices, but it became a necessity during the early days of westward expansion. Long winters were difficult and settlers burned multiple fuels to illuminate rooms and keep the house warm. Depending on the location, the fireplace might burn wood or peat, a stove might burn coal or oil, and candles, lamps, and lanterns used kerosene or whale oil.
By the time spring arrived, soot and dust-covered most surfaces. Windows and doors could be opened once again, letting fresh air in as all of the soot and dust accumulation were thoroughly cleaned from every surface.
Springtime remains a favorite time to thoroughly clean the house from top to bottom. Winter weather keeps the house closed up for long periods; warmer temperatures and open windows inspire homeowners to clean and declutter. Spring is a great time to clean, so All Cool is encouraging you to conduct an HVAC Spring Cleaning and make indoor air quality a special project this year. We’ll go room-by-room with recommendations to make a safer place to live and breathe.
Allergen Reducing HVAC Spring Cleaning Checklist
1 Foundation Levels. Let’s start with the basement, crawl space, or foundation of your home. All three are susceptible to seeping water and the damage it can cause. Water can lead to
- Mold growth
- Water damage
- Wood rot
- Increased humidity
Check your foundation level for current water problems and make repairs without delay; the problem will neither go away nor get better with time. Check for standing water near foundation walls. Channel stormwater from your downspouts a minimum of three feet away from the house. This can be achieved with splash guards or flexible extensions.
2 HVAC Closet. Often, your central heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) system is surrounded by a mechanical closet that will need attention. As the air circulates with every heating and cooling cycle, airborne particles, such as dust and dander are trapped by the air filter. Cleaning around your HVAC system is important for several reasons.
- Dust is the enemy of your HVAC system, causing mechanical stress and energy inefficiency
- Airborne particles are the leading cause of seasonal allergies and other breathing illnesses
In addition to cleaning the dust and debris from the closet, change your air filter every three months and call your HVAC professional to schedule an annual preventative maintenance visit. This ensures that it functions efficiently, safely, and cleanly.
3 Laundry Area. We are such creatures of habit! Often, we clean and dry our clothes at the same time that we clean the house; no wonder the laundry room gets neglected. Confined spaces also make it hard to clean. Take some time to thoroughly clean some real messes.
- Make sure to clean the dryer vent. A dirty vent, clogged with lint, will make your dryer run hotter and can lead to a house fire.
- Make sure water supply hoses and the drain hose are properly connected without leaks. Wet surfaces in hidden spaces can promote the growth of mold, with spores that can lead to serious illness.
- Spilled laundry products are generally sticky and collect dust and dirt.
4 Scrubbing the Kitchen. The kitchen sees a lot of action and that results in significant messy situations. Since you prepare food in the kitchen, it probably gets cleaned often. During your spring cleaning, take some additional steps to keep everyone safe.
- This is a good time to empty shelves and dust. You may need to declutter a little as well.
- Move appliances when possible to clean behind, beside, and underneath.
- Use a vacuum cleaner to clean the refrigerant coils on your refrigerator and/or freezer.
- If your oven needs to be clean, be careful to use non-toxic cleaning supplies.
5 Bathrooms get cleaned regularly, but we can recommend a few HVAC Spring Cleaning steps further.
- Springtime is a good time to give tile and grout some extra attention. Proper care and sealant can prevent the growth of mold, which is both dangerous and unsightly.
- Remove the cover to the exhaust fan and clean the dust that might have accumulated.
- Remove items from drawers and shelves, dust and declutter.
6 Bedrooms. Most people sleep for 1/3 of their lives, so make sure to give special attention to spring cleaning in each bedroom. Of course, you are changing/washing your bedding regularly, but remember to:
- Vacuum the mattress often. The mattress will collect dirt and dust, just like every other surface. During sleep, you come into close contact with the mattress, so make sure it is clean.
- Clean closets and drawers, dusting and vacuuming as needed. This is a perfect time to declutter here as well.
- Clean ceiling fans thoroughly, both the motor and the blades.
7 Living Rooms. Every other space, including living rooms, playrooms, office spaces, and man caves, needs special attention as well.
- Dusting and vacuuming are essential. Any dust you remove from a surface will be removed from your home for good.
- Clean lighting. You will be surprised at how much accumulates here. It might just brighten the room.
- Don’t forget closets and drawers, declutter as needed. Except for the “junk drawer.” Don’t declutter the junk drawer, since you never know when you might need one of those items.
Have Questions About Your HVAC Spring Cleaning Checklist?
Let us know how we can help with reducing allergens with proper HVAC system maintenance, call AllCool AC & Heating at 281-238-9292 or contact us via email.