6 Tips for Summertime to Reduce AC Repair

Katy AC Repair

Katy AC Repair Tips to Reduce HVAC Repair Costs

As the summer heat intensifies, south Texans depend on air conditioning for every aspect of life: transportation, work, and being at home. We tend to choose when and how long we expose ourselves to the heat and humidity of the great outdoors.

For this reason, it is important to care for the entire home to enhance the safety, health, and comfort air conditioning brings. The following Katy AC repair steps can help cool a home with better results and efficiency.

Katy AC Repair Tip 1: Acknowledge Solar Power

Many homes are built to accentuate natural lighting, brightening certain spaces for aesthetic purposes. However, this natural lighting can increase solar gain and make a home warmer than desired; the light energy entering a home can increase the indoor temperature by as much as 10 degrees on very sunny days.

Blocking the light on the south side of the house from about 9 to 5 can keep a home cooler and require fewer cooling cycles per hour. Early morning and late afternoon light is less intense and should be more enjoyable.

Katy AC Repair Tip 2: Understand Radiant Heat

Heat also travels through solid objects; when the exterior of the home becomes hot, the heat travels through the building material and enters the home. The purpose of insulation is to create a barrier to radiant heat.

A poorly insulated home allows more heat to pass through walls and ceilings than is comfortable. After construction, usually, the only accessible space for insulation is the attic, so make sure your attic is adequately insulated.

Katy AC Repair Tip 3: Recognize the Benefits of Maintenance

Air conditioning systems are quite remarkable. They cool a home, remove humidity, clean the air, and keep the moving air fresh. The whole house can be cooled to a precise temperature setting and maintained day and night, as desired. However, this precise mechanical system must be properly maintained to ensure it functions properly and efficiently.

Without regular maintenance, performance suffers, cooling costs soar, and the components (or the whole system) reach a premature end of useful life. Manufacturers and HVAC technicians recommend scheduling annual preventative maintenance and quarterly air filter replacements.

Katy AC Repair Tip 4: Schedule Temperature Changes

Many thermostats are programmable, but few homeowners take the time to program temperature changes to their advantage. Is the house empty for extended periods? Do family sleep patterns coincide?

These are two lengthy periods in which the temperature setting could be raised by 5 to 8 degrees without affecting comfort. It would, however, affect energy efficiency and cost to the benefit of the family budget. Take a few minutes and read the instruction manual for the thermostat.

Katy AC Repair Tip 5: Inspect the Vents

Vents are strategically placed throughout the home to ensure the indoor air is thoroughly mixed; supply vents are placed low, and return air vents are placed high. During normal household activities, vents can be covered or blocked by drapes, clothing, or furniture. Take time to notice vents regularly to ensure they remain clear for adequate air movement.

Katy AC Repair Tip 6: Use Ceiling Fans Effectively

Ceiling fans generally assist the air conditioning system, helping to mix the air for improved cleaning and cooling. Static air can develop thermal layers, with warm air high and cool air low. A ceiling fan set to turn counterclockwise will pull the air up and push air out to the sides of the space, mixing the air and moving it toward return air vents.

Call the Katy AC Repair Experts

Routine maintenance and preventative tips like we have outlined can help you reduce Katy AC repair costs this summer. Schedule your Katy AC repair consultation by calling All Cool AC & Heating at 281-238-9292 or contact us via email and let our NATE-certified Katy AC repair technicians put their experience to work for you.



Katy AC Repair

Katy AC Repair

Katy AC Repair or AC Replacement, Which is Right for You?

Air conditioning became common in the 1950s and by 1960, most new homes were built with central AC. With nearly 70 years of available data concerning air conditioner use, the information concerning longevity is pretty accurate. That is, the average lifespan of air conditioners ranges between 15 and 20 years, while regular preventative maintenance and timely AC repair can add years of service—five to ten extra years.

This information might impact your present situation if your AC system is approaching its teenage years. During this time, you can expect repair bills to mount. It can bring up a dilemma—keep repairing it or replace it. Here are some vital pieces of information to help you make this determination.

The Intricacies of Katy AC Repair

It will also seem that repairs are cheaper than replacement; after all, the replacement cost can be quite expensive. However, there are further cost considerations that should put the replacement cost into a balanced perspective.

  • Research repair invoices for your system and pay attention to the accumulation of bills. One repair bill might not be significant, but a high total or an increase in repair costs might give a different story.
  • This research might also reveal the necessity of repairing the same part repeatedly. When this happens, it often indicates a weakness in the system that is not being addressed. That means further repairs should be expected.
  • When both factors are combined, it signals a rising cost that you should be aware of.
  • As the system ages, larger components are threatened by wear and tear. Large components = large cost. It is at this time that repair costs and replacement costs must be closely compared and considered. Replacing expensive parts on a failing system might not be a wise decision.

“Staying the course” might make sense . . . until it doesn’t.

The Reality of Age

As your system ages, other realities affect the bottom line and impact financial decisions.

  • Older systems, with weakened components, will still try very hard to meet the temperature setting called upon with the thermostat. Cooling with weaker parts requires more energy, and more energy costs more money, and this might become apparent. If you are unsure, request the energy bill from the same month for the last two years, and compare the amount of energy for each month. The energy amount is measured in kWh.
  • Older systems may also suffer in performance. It might be evident during a period of extreme heat; a heat wave might leave occupants uncomfortably warm. An older system might also fail to remove adequate humidity, leaving everyone and everything feeling sticky and moist.
  • An older system gives you a glimpse of the future and allows you to plan for a future replacement. Saving money or adjusting the budget will help you prepare for the large purchase that is sure to come. It is a better plan than wishful thinking.

Preparation should include scheduling the eventual replacement and avoiding times of serious schedule pressure by Katy AC Repair technicians.

Contact Your Katy AC Repair Experts Today

Schedule your Katy AC Repair consultation by calling All Cool AC & Heating at 281-238-9292 or contact us via email and let our NATE-certified Katy AC Repair technicians put their experience to work for you.

Examining the Real Cost of HVAC Repair

Examining the Real Cost of HVAC Repair

The Real Cost of HVAC Repair

A new heating, ventilation, and air conditioner (HVAC) system is installed as a state-of-the-art mechanical system, and it is in its best condition ever. The lifespan of HVAC components is about 15 years for air conditioning and 20 years for heater mechanisms.

Between installation and replacement, there is a sliding scale of expected actions and reactions, maintenance, and repairs. Since about 8 billion HVAC systems are currently in use, these expectations are based on lots of maintenance and HVAC repair experience. Let’s look at what normally happens.

The two nemeses of HVAC systems are dirt and use.

  • Airborne particles surround us, both inside and outside of the home. They go everywhere! We have special functions in our lungs to remove these particles, so it stands to reason that the heating, ventilation, and cooling systems will need to handle dust and dirt in the air.
  • The act of turning an electrical device on and off is minutely violent. Very thin wires are minding their own business when suddenly electrons come rushing through and force things to move, heat, and create light. During a heating or cooling season, the system usually cycles on and off four to five times per hour. These minute violences take their toll on electrical parts.

When we catch a whiff of pepper, it causes us to sneeze or cough, but an HVAC system does not have a way to remove dust, dirt, or pollen. For this reason, manufacturers, HVAC Repair contractors, and even the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency tell homeowners they need to complete preventative maintenance inspections annually. Maintenance combats the two nemeses of the HVAC system.

Homeowners should complete the most important maintenance task on the list. The air filter is constantly collecting dust and needs to be changed at least once every three months. However, with or without regular maintenance, dust and use still take their toll on the system. Problems are rather predictable, based on repair records. Over time, the repairs come in rather foreseeable patterns.

Common HVAC Repair Issues

  • Electrical Controls. Contactors and capacitors that are responsible for turning large components, like compressor motors and blower motors, on and off are susceptible to wear. In the useful life of an air conditioner, these parts are often replaced at least once.
  • Large Components. Two major parts are particularly susceptible to dust: blower and compressor motors. When a filter clogs, the amount of air getting pulled through the filter is greatly reduced. That means the blower motor must work harder to push/pull air across the evaporator coil. It is a bit like sailing a ship while dragging an anchor.

The outdoor condenser unit receives the heat from inside the house and MUST disperse it rather quickly. A central fan pulls an incredible amount of air across a network of tubes and fins that give maximum surface space for cooling. However, when dust, leaves, and grass clippings clog the network, the gas inside the tubes stays too hot and causes the compressor to overheat. This is not good at all.

  • Coolant Leaks. The cooling functions when a refrigerant gas is repeatedly compressed and released inside a sealed network. As you might expect, the gas is under significant pressure, so if even an incredibly small hole or crack develops, the gas leaks out. Not good!

Common Heater Repairs

Some electrical controls used for air conditioning also regulate and control the heater/furnace. The information above applies to the heating system as well. Natural gas-powered heaters might also experience the following problems.

  • Flame Sensors. A sensor remains in contact with the flame, and as a result, soot or carbon builds up on the sensor. Other sensors experience expansion and contraction with every ignition.
  • Burners and Heat Exchangers. A byproduct of burning natural gas is water vapor and furnace parts made of iron that are susceptible to rust building up. Rust is corrosion, so the metal is growing thinner as the rust grows thicker. Cleaning the rust away is only a part of maintenance. Ensuring the corrosion hasn’t created leaks is also necessary since leaks allow deadly gases to enter the home.

The good news is that maintenance inhibits dust and use from causing major problems but detects minor problems early. Unfortunately, the system will need to be replaced. The good news is that regular maintenance can extend the useful life of an HVAC system by at least 5 years.

Need Help Sorting Out the Costs of HVAC Repair?

Schedule your HVAC Repair consultation by calling All Cool AC & Heating at 281-238-9292 or contact us via email and let our NATE-certified HVAC Repair technicians put their experience to work for you.


HVAC System Hurricane Preparedness

HVAC System Hurricane Preparedness

HVAC System Hurricane Preparedness

The NOAA Atlantic Hurricane Season outlook predicted between 14 and 21 named storms for this season, 6 to 11 storms developing into hurricanes, and 2 to 5 storms developing into major hurricanes. The 2023 season is living up to the prediction, with 15 named storms, 6 hurricanes, and three major hurricanes so far. Fortunately, the only major storm hurricane to make landfall was Lee. However, there are still two months left in this year’s season.

If you have lived in a hurricane-prone area for many years, you are aware of preparedness plans for various aspects of life. This is a hurricane preparedness plan for HVAC systems in the area.

Pre-season HVAC System Hurricane Preparedness

There are some general and specific preparation steps that you can take any time before the storm arrives, but they should not be attempted during the storm.

  • Trees and tree limbs may endanger a home and the immediate surroundings when hurricane-strength winds arrive. Remove trees and limbs that can damage the structure of the house and remember to protect the outdoor air conditioner condenser unit.
  • Find hurricane straps for the condenser unit, to secure it to the pad beneath it. Strong winds can pick the unit up and make it a dangerous airborne projectile. Consider buying a canvas condenser cover or making one from plywood.
  • Determine in advance whether to invest in a whole-house or portable emergency generator. Such plans take time to install a transfer switch, permanently install the generator, and plan for fuel storage.

Pay Attention

Hurricanes do not sneak up on people on the coast—storms are tracked across the Atlantic and a rather specific landfall is predicted several days ahead in advance. This gives residents several days to make minute plans before the storm arrives.

  • A part of that plan includes determining if and when your family will evacuate for severe hurricanes since evacuation is ill-advised during the storm.
  • Storing food, water, medicine, and emergency supplies is an essential part of preparedness.

Two Days Prior

  • Begin to cool the house down about 2 days before the storm arrives. The air conditioner should be shut off during the storm to avoid damage from power surges, so lower the thermostat by 5 to 10 degrees for comfort during the storm. This will cool the interior and furnishings in addition to the air.
  • If your preparedness plans include covering windows, now is the time to complete this task.

Hours Before

  • A severe storm will include a storm surge to the coastline, sustained winds of more than 100 mph, and torrential rainfall. The danger from lightning-induced power surges is very high, so flip the breaker at the service panel to shut the HVAC system off. If your home is supplied with natural gas, close the gas valve as well in case of structural damage.
  • If you prepared a condenser unit cover, now is the time to install and secure it. Do not run the air conditioner with the condenser covered, as this will lead to catastrophic system failure.
  • Go inside and stay inside until the winds subside. Stay tuned to local news/weather stations as long as possible.

When Calm Returns

After the storm itself, it will make some careful observations of the immediate surroundings. The power may be out for a while, which is why your plan included cooling the house before the storm.

  • Look for downed power lines and structural damage to the home. Remember, the ground will be saturated, so give downed wires a wide berth.
  • Remove the cover and inspect the condenser unit for damage. The materials that compose the condenser walls are thin and fragile. Look for an oily substance and listen for the hiss of escaping gas.

When the power grid is restored and you believe the HVAC system is intact, flip the circuit breaker to restore power to the HVAC system. Lower the temperature of the thermostat settings by a few degrees and determine whether the system is functioning properly.

Have questions about HVAC System Hurricane Preparedness, We Can Help!

Schedule your HVAC System Hurricane Preparedness consultation by calling All Cool AC & Heating at 281-238-9292 or contact us via email and let our NATE-certified HVAC Maintenance and HVAC repair technicians put their experience to work for you.

HVAC Repairs: Post Hurricane Inspections

HVAC Repairs: Post Hurricane Inspections

After a Hurricane: What HVAC Repairs Might Be in Order

On average, a hurricane hits the coast of Texas every six years. Between 50 and 60 thunderstorms pop up in our fair state each year; approximately 1/3 of them become severe thunderstorms.1 Severe weather happens in Texas often enough that it bears staying aware of conditions and preparing for storms as needed.

The portion of your air conditioning system that is most vulnerable during strong storms is the outdoor cabinet, commonly called the condenser unit. The name is an oversimplification because it performs several functions all at once.

Here is a quick update on the condenser unit’s function and how to protect it from needing HVAC Repairs during severe weather.


While you might consider air conditioning as bringing cool air into your space, technically air conditioning moves heat from air inside your home to the great outdoors. Since the heat needs to move outdoors, an outdoor unit is necessary.

  • Refrigerant gas, commonly called Freon, moves through a closed loop of tubes.
  • A compressor motor puts refrigerant gas under significant pressure—approximately 400 psi. Since the compression makes the gas extremely hot, it is performed outdoors.
  • When the pressure is suddenly released, the gas becomes very cold very quickly. The refrigerant gas readily absorbs the heat and cools the surrounding air in the indoor cabinet.
  • The hot gas now moves outdoors through a network of tubes to be cooled by moving air. If the gas does not cool, compressing it again will cause the system to overheat and damage vital components.

Potential Damage

While the condenser unit is made of sturdy, industrial components, many of the materials are rather thin and vulnerable to damage from the high winds and heavy rains that characterize strong storms. During a strong storm, shutting off power to the AC system is a good idea; power surges can damage the system’s electronics. Before turning on the air conditioner, inspect the condenser unit for damage, looking for:

  • Strong winds or flood waters can pick up the condenser or worse, cause it to be airborne. In some locations, local ordinances may require the condenser to be strapped down to prevent it from being carried away in high winds.
  • Downed lines. Observe the surroundings carefully, watching for downed power lines. Notice the conduit, carrying electricity to the condenser; it cares high voltage, so take note of any damage to the unit’s wiring. If the wiring is damaged, stay away and call a professional technician.
  • Standing water. Thunderstorms can produce flash flooding, but hurricanes produce huge amounts of rain and can result in a pool of water surrounding the condenser unit. Remember that water is a very good conductor of electricity and do not enter the standing water until the power is shut off to the unit.
  • Tubing damage. Observe two copper tubes that connect the condenser to the indoor cabinet. These tubes contain refrigerant gas and might be damaged by flying debris or movement. If damage is observed, do not turn the system on until repairs are made.
  • Oily leak. The coil of tubing that cools refrigerant gas is susceptible to damage from flying debris or movement of the condenser cabinet. Since the gas is under pressure, the system must remain an intact closed loop. A tell-tale sign of gas leakage is a black, oily substance—a component of the gas. If you observe this substance, call a technician before restoring power to the system.
  • Dirt and debris. The wind carries many objects, both small and large, often at very high speeds. Make sure to clear limbs, leaves, and other large objects away from the condenser. The fan is drawing air through the unit and out the top, so make sure to allow two feet of clearance for adequate airflow.

Use a garden hose and gently wash the coil of the condenser unit. When dust and sand become lodged between the fins of the coil, it reduces the necessary airflow. This can lead to overheating of the compressor motor and catastrophic damage to the unit.

Let us help with your Post Hurricane HVAC Repairs!

Schedule your free HVAC Repairs consultation by calling AllCool AC & Heating at 281-238-9292 or contact us via email.


1 https://www.weather.gov/hgx/severe_weather_awareness_thunderstorm#:~:text=On%20average%2C%20southeast%20Texas%20experiences,the%20afternoon%20and%20evening%20hours

Emergency AC Repair

Emergency AC Repair

Emergency AC Repair for Houston Homeowners

When something changes and interrupts normal activity, it manifests itself as an emergency in our schedule, and the loss of air conditioning during a hot summer night seems to qualify as an emergency. However, others will quickly reveal that not every interruption in your AC service should be considered an emergency. Here is a list of potential problems and the severity level of an emergency.

Health Concerns Related to Emergency AC Repair

If you or a family member have moderate to severe health concerns and the extreme temperatures make one vulnerable, the loss of air conditioning is considered an emergency. Technicians will recognize the emergency and arrive as soon as possible. As you review the following examples, this concern trumps all others in determining an emergency.

However, if this is your situation, you are more likely to be monitoring air conditioning performance and scheduling regular maintenance to ensure emergencies are less likely. You are more likely to have a working relationship with the HVAC professional servicing your system, who will recognize the potential distress.

Trust Your Senses

First, your sense of smell can indicate an emergency.

  • If you smell smoke or something “burning,” consider it an emergency. Explore the source and if you determine your air conditioner is the source, turn the system off and call your HVAC professional immediately. Monitor the situation to ensure nothing is burning. If something is burning, treat it as a fire emergency.
  • If you experience a sudden sound followed by a strange odor, turn off the system and open a window or door. Anticipate a loss in cooling, but the emergency is over. If the odor you smell is musty or mildewy, call your professional, but this is not an emergency.
  • If you hear a buzz or excessive clicking, turn off the system. If the buzzing stops, call a technician, but it is not an emergency since you found the source of the buzzing. Without proper training, do not explore the source—wait for a technician.

Emergency AC Repair: Storm Damage

During an extreme storm, it is not unusual to lose power and subsequently, to lose air conditioning. The problem may be simple or complex, but chances are that you are not alone. Restoring power may be delayed and gradual, so be patient. There may be many people requesting the same—restoration of power.

When the power is restored, your air conditioner may or may not be restored. These problems may be simple or complex, but unless there are health concerns, this does not rise to the level of an emergency. It will require patience and understanding. No one likes to wait, but anticipates that repairs will take time. Without proper training, do not explore the problem—wait for a technician.

It’s Not Working

If your air conditioner stops working properly, one or more of the following indicators may be present.

  • The unit may not work at all. First, check the circuit breaker and make sure the air conditioner is receiving power. Second, check the thermostat to ensure it is in the cool setting and call for a temperature below room temperature. If both check out, call a technician.
  • If the blower motor is running, but the air is warm, first, check for a clogged air filter. The filter can reduce airflow and cause this problem. Second, investigate both the inside and outside AC unit, looking for frost or ice buildup. Do not remove the ice, but when you make a call, it is good information to share with the technician.
  • Without proper training, homeowners are not prepared to repair electrical or mechanical issues with air conditioner systems.

HVAC technicians approach their service as professionals; they attempt to work efficiently and quickly to restore air conditioning services to every home. Emergency AC Repair Technicians experience and therefore understand the discomfort of losing air conditioning service during a hot, summer day. We respond to emergencies first and work through the remaining calls as quickly as possible.

Need Emergency AC Repair, call us today!

Schedule your free Emergency AC Repair consultation by calling AllCool AC & Heating at 281-238-9292 or contact us via email.

HVAC Repair: Avoiding Hot and Cold Spots in Your Home

HVAC Repair

HVAC Repair: Avoiding Hot and Cold Spots in Your Home

If your home has a room or space that is abnormally cold in the winter, it is becoming very evident at this time of the year. Since you are a responsible homeowner, you have probably checked all the obvious issues that can be fixed with a do-it-yourself project, such as changing air filters and uncovering supply vents. However, if the problem persists, consider having an HVAC technician check the air balance in your home.

Heating, cooling, and ventilation all require adequate and equal airflow to reach every space. The system as designed and installed should provide “enough” air, but problems can develop that disrupt the proper movement of air. Air balancing measures the equilibrium and finds solutions should a pressure deficit be detected. A technician will bring the proper tools, training, and expertise to evaluate the airflow and recommend viable solutions. Here are the highlights of the air balancing process.

Reverse Engineering HVAC Repair

The technician will use the model and serial numbers to gather the specifications for your current HVAC system. Both heating and cooling capacities can be determined. Some blower motors have variable speeds and the rating for each blower setting will become useful information. The design capacities can be compared to the measured results to ensure your HVAC system is functioning efficiently.

When your system was designed and installed, a technician ran a load calculation to determine the proper size of your system. Recalculating your home’s heating and cooling need is also useful information. If you have made changes, remodeled, or enlarged your living space, even slight space modifications can change the load requirements. Rechecking the load calculation will uncover such problems and make recommendations to compensate.

HVAC Repair: Performance Evaluations

The second stage of the air-balancing task includes measuring airflow from each supply register and cold air return. Access is required to all your home’s spaces. The technician will bring equipment that will measure:

  • The air volume as it moves through the vent
  • Both the airspeed and temperature at the register
  • The air humidity from the supply air

The desired result is an equal measurement of these air qualities in each room. If you are experiencing comfort problems, the location of the problem vent(s) can be determined by these measurements. The measurements will also give clues to the technician to pinpoint the issue or further the investigation.

HVAC Repair Frequent Findings

The goal of the air balance study is to find problem supply registers that create an airflow imbalance.

  • If they exist, air balancing will uncover design flaws in your ductwork. Ducts might have been sized too small, have runs that are too long, or have unusually sharp turns. While completely redesigning your HVAC ductwork might not be possible, correcting the most pressing problems might be a possible solution.
  • Frequently, ductwork along the way has been damaged. Slight vibrations can create gaps or loosen sheet metal joints. The blower motor puts the duct under pressure; like water in a leaky pipe, air will find a way to escape. Finding and repairing even a small leak can significantly impact the airflow in your problem area.
  • When the blower motor has cycled off, the gap(s) allow air and pests to infiltrate the ductwork and enter your home. Finding these gaps have several benefits.
  • While not a frequent issue, on occasion a duct blockage will found.

The desired result of an air balance investigation is to discover problems with airflow that creates hot or cold spots. An equal amount of conditioned air is necessary for each room to maintain comfort. Discovering problems and designing solutions will reduce or remove the imbalance creating the hot and cold spots.

Let us help with your HVAC Repair questions!

Schedule your free HVAC Repair consultation by calling AllCool AC & Heating at 281-238-9292 or contact us via email.

HVAC Repair

HVAC System: Top 5 Causes of HVAC Failure

HVAC System

HVAC System Tips for Optimal Efficiency

Your home’s HVAC system is composed of several mechanical components working together, designed to keep your home safe and comfortable. It provides adequate ventilation, clean air and regulates temperature throughout your living space.

When each component functions properly you barely notice, but when something is wrong, everyone knows.

When your system fails you are aware of the discomfort because of seasonal temperatures. However, malfunctioning heating and air conditioning can also lower indoor air quality, affect health and raise energy costs unnecessarily. If your system fails, check these five things before you call an HVAC professional.

The Top 5 Causes of HVAC Failure

Check the Electrical Breaker

If the HVAC system will not work at all, go to the electrical panel and check for a tripped breaker. The panel door depicts which breaker supplies the HVAC system—usually, more than one breaker supplies the system. If the breaker is tripped, it is in a neutral position.

If you wiggle it gently, it will move both right and left. Turn the breaker off and then turn it to the “on” position. In both the on and off position the breaker will be firm, with no more wiggle.

If this is the only problem, the breaker will restore power to your system and it will return to normal use. The breaker might have tripped for a number of reasons. If the breaker trips again, contact a professional electrician to investigate the problem. It is no longer a DIY project.

Dirty Air Filters

The easiest DIY preventative maintenance task you can do for your system is to change the air filter. The filter will be positioned for easy accessibility and collects dust and pollutants before the air is heated or cooled. This keeps dust out of vital mechanical components and traps them before they can be redistributed.

An air filter will continue to collect pollutants even when it is dirty; however, the dust and pollen build up over time and slows the airflow, which and makes the blower motor work much harder. Plan on changing your filter at least every 3 months, but be aware that your home may require more frequent changes.

Factors such as living on a dusty road, near construction or having several pets might necessitate frequent filter changes.

Filters are readily available at hardware and DIY centers. Air filters come in a variety of materials, including washable filters for reuse. Explore your options.

Impeded Air Flow

The duct system transports clean conditioned air throughout the home, unless something is blocking the airflow. Occasionally a homeowner will not notice a room vent and place furniture or accessories on the vent, blocking airflow. Also, check the dampers on the room vents to ensure they are in the open position.

Your ductwork system may also have dampers in the main supply lines which regulate airflow. These dampers are designed to balance the flow of air for seasonal changes. If dampers are not balanced properly, you will experience uneven heat or AC in some rooms, while proper dampening will heat and cool rooms evenly. Uneven heating and cooling adds stress to your HVAC system and shortens system life.

Check the Thermostat

Thermostats are equivalent to an on/off switch, determined by air temperature in a room, typically the most used room in the house. If the switch is not functioning properly the entire system will not work properly.

Fortunately, replacing a thermostat is a simple and relatively inexpensive fix. Unfortunately, many homeowners are not prepared to diagnosis the problem.

If you suspect the thermostat might be the culprit, consult your professional for an inspection. In many cases, a new programmable or smart thermostat will help lower your utility bills and increase your comfort.

A Refrigerant Leak

When the outside temperature rises and your AC “can’t keep up,” it is definitely time to call your HVAC professional and have the refrigerant level checked. Your AC unit requires a gas coolant in a contained circuit and any crack or flaw in the circuit will allow the gas to escape.

Often the refrigerant escapes gradually resulting in decreasing performance and leading to a failure to cool. The decrease in performance is serious, as it causes the AC components to work extremely hard and leads to complete failure.

The HVAC professional might be able to find the source of the leak and replace the refrigerant. Replacing the refrigerant often makes an immediate, noticeable change.

Want more information about HVAC System Tips for Optimal Efficiency

If you are considering to better your Air Conditioning Efficiency, call us at 281-238-9292 or contact us via email.

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HVAC System

4 Reasons to Get Your HVAC System Cleaned

HVAC System: Four Reasons to Hire a Professional

Having your HVAC system cleaned can be one of the most beneficial preventative maintenance functions you can do for your families’ health. Contaminants in the ventilation system can produce awful smells, high humidity, and stuffy air. Poor indoor air quality affects every breath and can lead to eye, nose, and throat irritation, headaches, allergies, and illness.

Many homeowners might consider cleaning the HVAC system a DIY project; after all, is it too difficult to clean your own home? Here are four important reasons to consider having an HVAC professional clean your ventilation system.

  1. The Right Person with the Right Tools

Cleaning the system would begin with locating all of the system parts: return vents, filter, blowers, heat exchanger/cooling coil, and supply ducts. Most homeowners would have difficulty identifying these parts, much less reaching them. An HVAC professional has the specialized equipment needed to properly clean the entire system. Having good tools is not the same as having the right tools!

  1. Dust is more than an annoyance

The average household produces 40 lbs. of dust annually, so it is more than what you see on the coffee table. Dust is produced by scratching dry skin, using a paper towel, or simply walking across the carpet. Pets, pollen, and outdoor pollutants also contribute to dust. Since the indoor air volume circulates at least 5 to 7 times daily, family members come into contact with household dust more often than you think. It can get worse. Dust might not be the worst of it: the ducts may also contain the mold in areas with high humidity or become a haven for pests.

  1. Improved system efficiency

We all know that changing air filter frequency will improve system efficiency, but heavy dust in the rest of the ventilation system will also reduce airflow. Dust builds up, clumps up, and clogs ducts, vents, and returns. Heating and cooling depend upon rapid airflow, but if dust prevents airflow the system cannot do its job effectively. This causes your system to work harder. It can also create hot and cold spots or areas of high humidity.

  1. Prolong the life of your system

Your HVAC system consists of both a heating and cooling system: dust is harmful to both. Clogged ducts and vents will add strain to the system and makes the system “feel” like it is not working properly. The prolonged strain will shorten the life of the system’s parts. In addition, if dust collects on moving parts, on electrical connections, and on bearing surfaces, it will lead to component failure.

Want more information about HVAC Systems? We Can Help!

If you are considering preventative HVAC System services to better your HVAC Efficiency and prepare your home for cool weather, call us at 281-238-9292 or contact us via email.

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HVAC System: Four Reasons to Hire a Professional





HVAC Winter Preparation: 4 Tips to Get Ready for Winter

HVAC Winter Preparation

HVAC Winter Preparation Tips

To prepare your home’s HVAC for the Winter season, you will want to perform these preventative maintenance steps to be ready for falling temperatures.  This HVAC winter preparation checklist will help you keep your energy expenses down and make winter a whole lot more comfortable for you and your family.

HVAC Winter Preparation Checklist:

Replace HVAC System Filters

Regular replacement of the air filter is one of the most productive and easiest ways to keep your HVAC system running at its finest. Follow the manufacturer’s guidelines on which filter to use and replace it more frequently if you have chronic allergies, are a pet owner, have small children, or have a compromised immune system.

Clean Registers and Air Return Grills

Vacuum or wipe clean your registers or air return grills to keep any build-up of debris and dust from restricting airflow. Keep furniture or household decorations free from blocking these registers and to allow proper airflow.

Conduct a Heating System HVAC Winter Preparation Test

Allow your thermostat to cycle your heater on and calculate how long it takes your room to reach the set temperature. If your furnace does not come on, or it takes an extended length of time to reach the set temperature, it is time to contact us for a service call. You will want to avoid a complete system breakdown in the dead of winter.

Regularly Scheduled Maintenance Should Be part of Your HVAC Winter Preparation

Complete HVAC system inspection should be done twice a year. Once in the Spring to prepare for the summer heat, and once in the fall to prepare for the winter cold. As your system ages, it will be more important to continue regular maintenance to ensure that HVAC components stay efficient to prolong the lifespan of your HVAC system.

Want more information about HVAC Winter Preparation? We Can Help!

If you are considering preventative HVAC Winter Preparation services to better your HVAC Efficiency and prepare your home for cool weather, call us at 281-238-9292 or contact us via email.

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HVAC Winter Preparation