AC Replacement Katy: Choosing the Right Size AC Unit

AC Replacement Katy

AC Replacement Katy: Which Size AC Unit is Right For Your Home

AC Replacement is no small investment! If you anticipate the purchase of a new air conditioner or HVAC system, make sure you have enough information to ensure that your purchase is a good fit for your home. HVAC technicians will use acronyms and technical terms during the conversation, so make sure you understand the lingo.

The Right Size

The most important factor is properly sizing the air conditioner for your space. But what does that mean—the proper size? It will need to be large enough to handle the cooling need of your home, at your location, with the construction material and methods of your home.

  • An air conditioner will need to cool a specific space, so the size of the AC will be based on the square footage of your home. You would expect an air conditioner for a 2,400-square-foot home to be larger than an air conditioner for a 1,200-square-foot home. If you need to find the square footage of your home, multiply the measurement of the length and width of the home. Having a general idea about the ceiling height of your home will be helpful later.
  • An air conditioner “moves” heat from the inside to the outside and the right size moves adequate heat to cool the space. The heat is measured in British Thermal Units or BTUs—the energy needed to heat one pound of water one degree Fahrenheit. Twenty BTUs are required to cool one square foot.
  • The measurement a technician uses is the ton, but it is not a measurement of weight. One ton of air conditioning function can cool 600 square feet, so 1 ton is equivalent to 12,000 BTUs.
  • These figures help you determine the general size or tonnage during the AC Replacement process.


Some specific details can be added to general specifications to help determine the appropriate size of an AC Replacement for your home and location. For instance,

  • You may reduce the needed capacity by 10% if a room is shaded during the heat of the day.
  • You must increase the capacity of a room if a room receives harsh sun during the day.
  • Add 600 BTUs for occupants above two people.
  • Add 4,000 BTUs for the kitchen.

Other variables, including the number of windows and doors, building materials, and insulation affect the cooling need. When a technician accumulates all the data gathered for his “load calculation,” a total BTU figure is calculated, and the proper tonnage of the air conditioner is determined.

Efficiency Standards for an AC Replacement Katy, Tx

The Department of Energy has established manufacturing standards to protect consumers by ensuring air conditioners function properly. Each model air conditioner is given a seasonal energy efficiency rating or SEER rating. In 2023, the DOE made upgrades to its standards, so new units will have a SEER2 rating. New AC systems use the latest in refrigerant technology and are very efficient.

Both the ton measurement and SEER2 rating can be found on the model # plaque. The designation for the smallest unit, 1.5 tons, is 18 and for every increase in .5 tons, the model number adds the number six. So,

1.5 tons = 18

2.0 tons = 24

2.5 tons = 30

3.0 tons = 26, and so on

Finding the ton indicator on the model number plaque will help you understand the size of your old air conditioner system. If your home has seen modest change—a room addition or remodeling project—expect the size of the new system to change drastically. If not much has changed, a change in size should be minor.

Considering an AC Replacement in Katy, Texas?

Schedule your free AC Replacement consultation by calling AllCool AC & Heating at 281-238-9292 or contact us via email and let our NATE-certified HVAC technicians put their experience to work for you.


3 New Rules for AC Systems

3 New Rules for AC Systems

AC Systems Rules for Homeowners

Two federal regulatory agencies regulate the manufacturing of heating and air conditioning (HVAC) systems, and both have regulatory upgrades that took effect on January 1, 2023. Regulatory changes are made with long-range environmental health in mind. These upgrades affect the choices available to consumers who need to replace their HVAC systems in homes and businesses. Without getting super technical, here are some simple explanations of the regulatory changes.

SEER Improvements

In 1992, the Department of Energy introduced Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratings for new central air conditioning products (EER ratings for room air conditioning). It was based on testing completed in laboratory settings that measures the cooling output of a system compared to the energy used. SEER is a long-range measurement, over an entire cooling season and not a snapshot reading. Larger SEER numbers indicate greater energy efficiency.

The same federal agency oversees energy efficiency requirements in automobile manufacturing; the mpg rating for new cars is much higher than new cars a decade ago. Overseeing energy efficiency is done to lower our dependence on fossil fuels and reduce the total carbon footprint of the nation.

SEER requirements have been stepping up incrementally and 2023 is the year for the next efficiency upgrade. For the region that includes Texas, the minimum SEER rating for available air conditioner systems moves from 14 to 15. Manufacturers and contractors have been aware of this change for years, so the old stock of SEER 14 has been moved to other regions and only SEER 15 products are available locally.

SEER 2 Implementation

Researchers, always looking to improve their processes, noticed a slight difference between the measurement methods in laboratory settings and the actual energy efficiency capability that can be produced in the field. A new designation was developed to reflect the current means of measurement, so the new HVAC systems will have a SEER2 designation. This is an internal DOE implementation and has nothing to do with air conditioning operations in your home.

AC System Refrigerant Gas Changes

While the Department of Energy is overseeing air conditioner manufacturing, the Environmental Protection Agency is overseeing the production and distribution of the refrigerant gas used in the cooling process.

  • Air conditioning uses a mechanical-chemical process, called heat pump technology. By compressing and suddenly releasing pressure on certain gases, the system moves heat from inside to outside. In some cases, the process can be reversed, moving available heat outside to inside, to heat a home.
  • Scientists have used a variety of refrigerant gases over the years to cool indoor spaces. Some of these gases were discovered to be harmful to the environment, even depleting the ozone layer at the edges of the atmosphere. Ozone deflects significant amounts of ultraviolet radiation. These gases have been phased out and replaced with newer, more environmentally friendly choices.
  • In 2023, a few more gases are being phased out for more environmentally friendly gases. New systems will use new refrigerants; expect to see R-32 designations for new systems.
  • Some new products will also use an A2L type of gas. While the efficiency rating is very high, they are mildly flammable. A new HVAC system might have consumer warnings, denoting this fact.

All Cool has been tracking the regulatory climate and offers only compliant products. We are trained on the new equipment and gases. Existing systems that use older-style refrigerants can still be serviced, including adding gases as needed; we are also equipped to service and repair older systems.

Is Your AC System Effected by New Regulations? Let us help you decide!

Schedule your free AC System consultation by calling AllCool AC & Heating at 281-238-9292 or contact us via email.


6 Reasons to Consider an AC Replacement

6 Reasons to Consider an AC Replacement

AC Replacement Tips You Need to Consider

When you turned the air conditioner on this spring for the first time, was there a little apprehension? Did you wonder, “Is this the year that we must replace our AC?” If you are pondering an AC Replacement, here are some concerns that might help make a good choice—both negative and positive reasons.

Harsh Realities

Old Age. Unless you dig old cars, you frequently make decisions concerning how long to keep a car, since age and wear take their toll on common mechanical systems. The same is true concerning your AC unit; over time, components experience wear and tear and need to be repaired. Fifteen years is a milestone for air conditioners: if your system lasts longer—bonus. After fifteen years, it is in your best interest to plan a replacement.

Diminishing Returns

Perhaps you have had a few scares; your system stopped working, but a technician was able to bring the system back. Frequent expensive repairs lead to failure and at some point, pumping money into a failing system does not make economic sense.

Catastrophic Failure

Oh, yes, it can and does happen. It often happens during extreme temperatures; the added stress causes a failing system to collapse. Restoring an old system will eventually become too expensive when compared to replacing the system.

Pleasant Results

Cool Air. If your air conditioner quits on a hot summer day, installing a new system is a great relief. Yahoo!! Nothing will cause you to appreciate air conditioning like the lack of air conditioning. Air conditioning keeps your family both comfortable and healthy.

New Technology

While your old air conditioner has been working hard, researchers and engineers have been developing new, more efficient components and refrigerant gases. Not only will an efficient system save energy and money, but it will also improve our environment.

Peace of Mind

A new air conditioning system promises to provide relief, comfort, and safety for years to come. If something unexpected happens, warrantees generally take the brunt of any repair costs. Properly maintaining a new system will prolong its useful life, letting you breathe easily for years to come.

Let us help with your AC Replacement!

Schedule your free AC Replacement consultation by calling AllCool AC & Heating at 281-238-9292 or contact us via email.